Europe is ruled by oligarchs.


They own the apartments we live in, the banks that keep our money, the drugs that save our lives, the apps we need to work, the data these apps collect about us, the oil and gas that heat up our planet, and the politicians that were supposed to represent us.
Only one thing can change that: a democratic revolution. Join us in building it.

Petition: Suspend Israel from international sports

We demand an immediate suspension of Israel from participation in all international sports until it fully complies with international law and sports regulations

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E94: Russia vs NATO – is nuclear war on the horizon?

As the US is poised to deliver its largest military ‘aid’ package, and with EU nations ramping up their assistance ahead of European elections, the implications loom large

E93: The war on truth: Julian Assange, media and global discourse

This week, we’ll have the final ruling on whether Julian Assange can be extradited to the US, to face a 175-year prison sentence for revealing the secrets of power. The case casts a long shadow over press freedom, signalling what many see as the ultimate demise of journalistic independence. At the same time, the media’s… Read more »

E92: Farming fury: What’s really driving EU protests?

Establishment media have dismissed the protests as the grumblings of a coddled group, but others point out that far-right parties are co-opting farmers’ legitimate concerns