Posts By: Yanis Varoufakis

Football Takes Capitalism Out of Bounds


Last week, Europeans showed the red card to the moguls – and their financiers – who tried to steal the beautiful game: football.

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Draghi’s outrageous deployment of McKinsey, Europe’s predicament


Varoufakis addresses Europe’s response to the economic challenges of COVID-19 and how the EU should have responded instead.

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In support of Ken Loach in the face of absurd accusations of antisemitism


Ken Loach is now the target of a character assassination campaign waged by those who will stop at nothing to shield the Apartheid policies of Israel.

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Did we see something like Another Now’s Crowdshorters in action?


In Another Now, Varoufakis imagined a new type of resistance movement that uses the tools of finance to bring down capitalism.

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Identity, solidarity and DiEM25


At a time when divisions are wreaking havoc amongst progressives, we have an opportunity to use our differences to foster solidarity.

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A festive message on behalf of DiEM25 for 2021


This year leaves behind much debris -- but we also owe a debt of gratitude to 2020: It has helped expose seven fundamental secrets.

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Designing a postcapitalist future in the midst of the pandemic


We may already be in the early phase of a grim post-capitalism. It's time to start designing, together, a desirable post-capitalism.

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Yanis Varoufakis calls for the boycott of Amazon on Black Friday!


Amazon's days of impunity are over. This Black Friday, we can make a difference with an act of solidarity to workers, communities, and the planet.

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Hoping for a return to normal after Trump? That’s the last thing we need


The confluence of discontent that powered Trump to power in 2016 has not gone away. To pretend like it has is only to invite future disaster.

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