DiEM25 stands with Extinction Rebellion
2019-10-18 12:25:50 (24262, en)
-DiEM25 joins Extinction Rebellion in calling for civil disobedience – as a basic democratic right – against ecological destruction.
Is 2025 Europe’s last chance? Reflections on the year ahead
2024-12-23 11:58:59 (52720, en)
-Yanis and Srećko explored these turbulent times and examined whether 2025 could be a final opportunity for Europe to reclaim relevance, ...
Yanis Varoufakis’ end of year message: What we must do in 2025
2024-12-23 11:27:14 (52714, en)
-Varoufakis reflects on Europe's precarious future as it approaches 2025 - the year DiEM25 warned would determine whether the EU would ...
La cacciata di Assad in Siria, una vittoria della “NATO”
2024-12-21 13:11:44 (52707, it)
-Analisi della cacciata di Assad in Siria: il coinvolgimento della NATO, il ruolo dei ribelli islamisti e le strategie geopolitiche globali.
BILD strikes again: When a failing tabloid tries to scuttle a woman’s candidacy
2024-12-18 13:50:49 (52691, en)
-BILD’s smear campaign is further validation that MERA25’s message of justice, green transformation, and peace is hitting all the right nerves
Επαναπροσδιορίζοντας τη Μετανάστευση: Πολιτικές Λύσεις για Συμπεριληπτικές Κοινωνίες
2024-12-18 07:00:59 (52664, el)
-Είμαστε υπερήφανοι που παρουσιάζουμε το τελευταίο μας κείμενο πολιτικής που προτάσσει ένα τολμηρό όραμα για την Ευρώπη
Reinventando la migración: soluciones políticas para sociedades inclusivas
2024-12-18 07:00:53 (52648, es)
-Nos enorgullecemos de presentar nuestro último documento sobre políticas proponiendo una perspectiva audaz para Europa
Een nieuwe kijk op migratie: beleidsoplossingen voor inclusieve samenlevingen
2024-12-18 07:00:45 (52659, nl)
-We zijn trots dat we ons nieuwste beleidsdocument kunnen onthullen, met een gedurfde visie voor een Europa
Migration policy that puts people first: Solutions for inclusive societies
2024-12-18 07:00:45 (52638, en)
-We’re proud to unveil our latest policy paper, offering a bold vision for Europe on migration
Réinventer la migration : Des solutions politiques pour des sociétés inclusives
2024-12-18 07:00:38 (52651, fr)
-C’est avec fierté que nous dévoilons notre dernier document d'orientation, qui propose une vision audacieuse pour l'Europe
Reimmaginare la migrazione: Soluzioni politiche per società inclusive
2024-12-18 07:00:32 (52674, it)
-Siamo orgogliosi di presentare il nostro ultimo documento politico, che offre una visione coraggiosa per l'Europa