E65: Italy swings far-right with Meloni – why did this happen, and how do we fight back?

Italy went to the polls just over a week ago in an election whose outcome seemed inevitable since Mario Draghi’s unelected government collapsed.

The result: a massive victory for the far-right, with the Brothers of Italy becoming the largest party in the country and its leader, Giorgia Meloni, becoming prime minister. The Left, meanwhile, had a dismal day after a campaign marked by disunity and an inability to speak to Italians struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.

How did Italy get here, what happens now, and how can the Left rebuild itself into a force capable of challenging the far-right in the present – and defeating it in the future?

Our panel, including Federico Dolce, Patrizia Pozzo and MeRA25 leader Yanis Varoufakis, debate. Join us live and send us your questions and comments in the chat!

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