European Spring transnational alliance unveils political programme and campaign launch ahead of EU Parliament elections

This Friday in Berlin, the Council of European Spring (the transnational political alliance set up jointly by Greece’s MeRA25, Germany’s Demokratie in Europa, France’s Génération-s, Poland’s Razem, Portugal’s LIVRE, Denmark’s Alternativet, Spain’s Actúa and many others) will be presenting the final draft of their common political programme in the run-up to the European Parliament elections next May.
Based on a single Manifesto that offers all Europeans a common Green New Deal – and a path toward a democratic European Union – the European Spring programme underlines that the solution to our regions’ and countries’ crises must be European. Thus, the European Spring alliance seeks to activate a combined pan-European, national and municipal strategy to tackle the Union’s common crises: from climate change to migration and refugees, from tax avoidance to private and public debt.
The final draft of the New Deal for Europe, the coalition’s common programme, will be approved during the European Spring’s council meeting on Friday, January 25.
A series of public panel discussions on “the EU in crisis, what’s next?” will take place on Thursday, January 24 at Alte Börse Marzahn, Zur Alten Börse 59, 12681 Berlin.
The following European Spring representatives will participate in the panel discussions:

  • Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk, leader of the Polish party Razem
  • Baltasar Garzón, founder of the Spanish party Actúa
  • Daniela Platsch, director of the Austrian party Der Wandel, lead MEP candidate for Demokratie in Europa
  • David Adler, member of DiEM25’s Coordinating Collective and coordinator of the Progressive International Movement
  • Franka Kretschmer, member of the board of the German party Demokratie in Bewegung
  • Isabelle Thomas, member of the European parliament for the French party Génération.s
  • Lorenzo Marsili, member of DiEM25’s Coordinating Collective and co-chair of European Spring
  • Rasmus Nordqvist, member of the Danish parliament for Alternativet,
  • Rui Tavares, former MEP, founder of the Portuguese party LIVRE,
  • Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25 co-founder, lead MEP candidate for Demokratie in Europa in Germany for the European Spring and leader of the Greek party MeRA25.

(click here for full schedule and ticket reservations information).
The unveiling of the European Spring programme marks the launch of their pan-European campaign. Next May, the European Spring member parties aim at becoming the credible, coherent, radical alternative in Europe’s Parliament.
Prior to the panel discussions, journalists are invited to participate in a roundtable discussion with the European Spring Council members at 7pm at the same venue (Alte Börse). Please direct interview-slot requests to Claudia Trapp
About European Spring
European Spring is Europe’s first transnational electoral list. Initiated by DiEM25 in Napoli on March 10, 2018, it is a broad, democratic, radical Europeanist Single Transnational List, based on a single Manifesto (New Deal for Europe) that offers all Europeans a common, green, progressive agenda – and a path toward a democratic European Union. The transnational electoral effort comprises political movements, intellectuals and grassroots activists from every corner of Europe, including France’s Génération-s, Polish political party Razem, Greece’s MeRA25, Denmark’s Alternativet, Portugal’s LIVRE, Spain’s Actúa and many more.
Media Contacts
Demokratie in Europa – DiEM25 (German Press Office)
Claudia Trapp | +49 176 43294733 |
DiEM25 Communications
Luis Martín | +34 670 48 48 51 |

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