E92: Farming fury: What’s really driving EU protests?

Farmers’ protests have erupted across the EU. In Germany, Greece, Italy and other countries, they’re blocking city centres with tractors, spraying manure on government buildings and pelting officials with eggs. Why? Inadequate compensation, high taxes, red tape and the impact of climate regulations.

Establishment media have dismissed the protests as the grumblings of a coddled group over unfair competition, and suggested that the rallies are driven by the far-right. But others point out that far-right parties are co-opting farmers’ legitimate concerns: those of ordinary people whose needs are being ignored by elites.

What’s really behind these protests? And with the European elections on the horizon, and far-right parties on the rise, what might it all mean?

Our panel, including Yanis Varoufakis, Karin De Rigo and Federico Dolce, investigates

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