Europe is ruled by oligarchs.


They own the apartments we live in, the banks that keep our money, the drugs that save our lives, the apps we need to work, the data these apps collect about us, the oil and gas that heat up our planet, and the politicians that were supposed to represent us.
Only one thing can change that: a democratic revolution. Join us in building it.

No to this Europe

Petition: Suspend Israel from international sports

We demand an immediate suspension of Israel from participation in all international sports until it fully complies with international law and sports regulations

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DiEM25 is a bottom-up movement where all decisions and initiatives are taken up by its members. Join our online task forces and help up develop our agenda.


E99: Julian Assange is FREE – what this means for the rest of us

His freedom marks a significant triumph for press freedom and our collective mission

E98: EU Elections 2024: Our campaign for peace, dignity, and freedom

With the far-right on the rise and Establishment parties trying to convince us that their policies aren’t the root of our problems, DiEM25 and our political parties MERA25 are stepping up with a clear message

E97: Is EU austerity back?

In a quiet vote, EU lawmakers brought in new rules for public spending… which could have a profound effect on millions in Europe