Was ist MERA25?
MERA25 ist der gemeinsame Name aller nationalen Parteien von DiEM25, mit denen wir direkt an Wahlen teilnehmen können. Denn wir sind nicht nur eine Bewegung mit radikalen Ideen. Uns geht es auch darum, diese Ideen in die Praxis umzusetzen.
Diese Parteien unterscheiden sich stark von den etablierten Parteien, die sie ersetzen sollen. Jede wichtige Entscheidung über eine MERA25-Partei – von ihrer Gründung über ihr Programm bis hin zu ihrer Kandidat:innenliste – unterliegt der Abstimmung aller unserer Mitglieder. Wo auch immer sie leben, welchen Pass sie haben. Das ist gelebter Internationalismus.
Derzeit gibt es drei MERA25-Parteien: in Griechenland, in Deutschland und in Italien. Erfahre im Folgenden mehr über sie.

How to fix climate activism
This week everyone’s talking climate change and our leaders’ failure to tackle it. But instead of fixating on what our leaders should be doing differently, I thought it would be interesting

Our Campaign Accelerator programme is now open for applications
You can now join our Campaign Accelerator programme. The deadline to apply: November 1, by the end of the day! Just fill out the form! Campaign Accelerator is our incubator for

What we can learn from the online public shaming trend
Online public shaming is having a moment. Well, a decade. I’m talking about the social media-driven tactic of trying to ban/censor people/organisations, after they have done/said something considered objectionable/offensive. It originated

How to build a team of activists in a pandemic
At the height of the Greek economic crisis in 2012, a nasty set of stereotypes started to appear in international media. The idea that Greeks were lazy, dishonest, corrupt and

Video: a behind-the-scenes look at a successful grassroots campaign
We recently developed a local campaign to save a piece of Portugal’s natural beauty from private development. And it worked — in fact, it reached half its goals in only

Successful activism works like this
These days, progressive grassroots activism isn’t doing much winning. But a recent citizen-led campaign to save a piece of Portugal’s natural beauty from private development reached roughly half its goals, after

Faces of DiEM: Saving nature from private interests
Jonathan Silva is fighting to prevent the cliffs of Ponta da Piedade in Algarve, Portugal, from being privatised In this episode of Faces of DiEM, DiEM25 member Jonathan Silva is

Interview: A DiEM25 member’s campaign to protect a beautiful region in Greece
Faces of DiEM is about the less well known stories of our activists It's about the stories of those that came across DiEM, were inspired by the movement's message, and

2020 in Review: Everything could be different
Like many others, what the movement had in mind for 2020 turned out to be very different to what ended up happening this year. DiEM25 was gearing up for our

Help us stop a retail giant destroying our city
Retail giant El Corte Inglés, has been given the green light by Porto’s mayor to build a massive shopping centre and a hotel on public land in the heart of