Yanis Varoufakis on the tragic situation in Moria

What would you do if you, your family and another 13000 people were incarcerated in a prison camp built for 1800 people, without running water, without heating, without knowing when you will be given a hearing to decide between deportation and asylum (some people have been in there for 4 years) and, to cap it all, you hear that 35 positive COVID-19 tests were returned in an environment where it is impossible to self-isolate and where there are zero doctors to look after you?

Would you not try to find a way to break down the gates so that you can escape that living hell?

Would it be wrong to start thinking that maybe starting a fire is the answer? No, you would be right. Indeed, it would be your duty to start that fire!

Photo Source: Oscar Camps on Twitter

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