What is meant by security when we read about it in the mainstream press? What do our leaders mean when they speak of our security? Is it the security of us citizens, as they claim? Or is it another kind of security that they allege to protect?
Speakers: Francesco Strazzari (Professor of international relations at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa), security policies, political violence and extra-legal governance, and founder of the collective blog “Security Praxis”)”
Moderator: Mohammad Khair Nahhas, DiEM25 Task Force for the Alternative Security Conference
The Alternative Security Conference seeks to do everything that the Munich Security Conference does not: Give an analysis of international hegemony (forwarded by multinational corporations and governments which act in their interests) spearheaded by the United States and its allies in the Western world and elsewhere and offer a different kind of hegemonic and security framework where people’s interests and not those of corporations and states are prime.
The views and opinions expressed in the conference are those of the speaker(s) and do not necessarily reflect DiEM25’s official policies or positions.
NB: Prof. Strazzari’s contribution was recorded as the Conference program was still being finalised. He wishes to note that he should not be associated with the speakers present at other sessions of this conference.
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