DiEM25 and MERA25 engage in Palestine Congress: German authorities intervene

DiEM25 and its German political party MERA25 were proud to participate in the Palestine Congress, taking place in Berlin from April 12 to 14, 2024, before German authorities intervened with brute force to shut it down.

The conference was a joint initiative between the Berlin-based organisation Jüdische Stimme für Gerechten Frieden in Nahost (Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East) and DiEM25, and the necessary funding had been successfully secured through donations to ensure that the Palestine Congress could move forward. Karin de Rigo, MERA25’s top candidate for the European Elections in Germany, was set to moderate a panel discussion with Yanis Varoufakis and deliver the closing intervention.

“We stand in solidarity with all those seeking justice and are committed to the principles of democracy and human rights. This Congress represents a significant moment for those of us advocating for Palestinian rights, offering a platform for solidarity against repression and a pathway to engage the German government on issues of accountability. Joining forces with other organisations at the Palestine Congress, we aim to contribute to the global dialogue on justice for Palestine.  We’re committed to calling out and confronting Germany’s involvement in the atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza,” De Rigo shared. 

German police raid the Palestine Congress

Unfortunately, and disgracefully, German police stormed the building with a 2,000-strong unit and demanded we stop the livestream of the Palestine Conference.

Ghassan Abu Sitta, who was meant to speak about his experiences as a surgeon in Gaza, was detained at the airport.

This vicious act of repression speaks volumes to Germany’s complicity in the genocide in Gaza. It cannot be allowed to stand.

“What Germany’s police has just done is proof that fascists no longer need to be in government to be in power,” said Yanis Varoufakis, who was also banned from giving his planned speech at the event.

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