Pressure mounts on Irish government over delayed occupied territories bill

 The Irish Government is facing increasing pressure over its delay in enacting the Occupied Territories Bill. Last week, Dublin City councillors voted in favour of a motion calling for the immediate implementation of the Bill, which has been stalled since 2018. This follows widespread protests and a petition signed by over 47,000 people. Introduced by independent senator Frances Black, the Bill aims to ban Ireland from trading goods and services from Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, aligning with global efforts to end the illegal occupation of Palestine.

In September, the Irish Government signalled its position on the matter by voting at the UN General Assembly in favour of a resolution demanding that Israel end its unlawful occupation of Palestinian territories within 12 months. The resolution, supported by 124 countries, was the first introduced by the Palestine delegation at the UN. Only 14 nations opposed the motion, while 43 abstained.

This came on the heels of a landmark ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on July 19, 2024, which declared Israel’s occupation of Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem illegal. The ICJ emphasised that states and international organisations should not recognise the situation as lawful and urged them to avoid aiding the occupation in any way. The ruling also called for reparations for the damage caused by the occupation, including its associated settlement policies, annexation, and exploitation of natural resources. 

The overwhelming support for the UN resolution reflects a strong global consensus for a peaceful resolution based on justice. Countries that backed the motion must now ensure Israel complies by ending its unlawful presence in Palestinian territories. Furthermore, it is vital that all nations enforce this by ensuring their citizens, businesses, and governments act in line with both the UN resolution and the ICJ’s ruling.

It is time for the Irish Government to back its words with action by passing the Occupied Territories Bill. It is shocking that a Bill with the potential to significantly aid Palestinians has been left dormant for six years. There is no legal, political, or moral reason for further delays. The government must stop finding spurious ways and means to prevent the Bill’s passage. 

Amid escalating violence, including Israel’s military actions in Gaza and the West Bank, as well as its recent bombings in Lebanon and attacks on international peacekeepers, including on an Irish UNIFIL contingent, it is more urgent than ever that Israel is held accountable for its ongoing violations of international law. 

Solidarity with Palestine and Lebanon

DiEM25, as an international movement, is aligned with the strong global solidarity cause encompassing millions of people who are active for human rights and the end to wars. In 2021 in support of the just humanitarian cause in Palestine, DiEM25 members overwhelmingly voted to support measures including:

  • The immediate end of Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the blockade of Gaza;
  • The abolition of Israel’s apartheid policies, both within its 1967 borders and in occupied territories;
  • An immediate embargo on arms sales and technology transfers to and from Israel;
  • The termination of military alliances and treaties between EU member states and Israel;
  • An end to all trade with Israeli settler communities in occupied territories.

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