How DiEM Members Are Deciding Our Brexit Stance

DiEM25 had campaigned hard against the vote for Brexit – not to support the current state of things, but rather to better fight it from within, and conscious of the fact that a UK outside the EU would have worse labour laws and less environmental protection than a UK inside it. As DiEM25 Advisory Panel member Caroline Lucas put it:

“We know that the EU isn’t perfect – but we’re committed to working across borders to make it better. For progressives the facts are clear: Britain is fairer, safer and greener as a member of the European Union.”

Following the referendum, which did not go as we wished, Yanis Varoufakis nevertheless insisted that the result must be respected. DiEM25 should fight for the kind of Brexit that would give the British people the maximum power to decide what future relations between their country and the EU should look like. (Detailed proposal)
DiEM25 members were then asked to present and debate their own proposals on what our common post-Brexit stance should be. A lively discussion ensued.
In the end, it became clear that there were four main options for DiEM25. These are now being translated into our 7 working languages and will then be made available as an electronic referendum in the Members Area. All verified DiEM25 members will be eligible to vote. As a transnational, horizontal movement, we employ neither delegates nor country restrictions; everyone’s vote counts exactly the same. Whichever option receives more than 50% of the votes (with a run-off if necessary) will become DiEM25’s official stance on this topic.

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