Amazon whistleblower Chris Smalls on DiEMTV for International Workers Day

In previous episodes of DiEM25 TV, Slavoj Žižek and Srećko Horvat have called for more “much more whistleblowers” or ‘citizen spies’. On International Workers Day, we have the honor to welcome Amazon whistleblower Chris Smalls on our DiEM25TV programme to talk about the working conditions at Amazon. 
Chris Smalls has been outspoken about the conditions at Amazon warehouses throughout the pandemic, and is supporting an Amazon-wide May Day strike. The fired worker has denounced, along with other workers, Amazon’s unsafe working conditions, including their inability to benefit from sick leave.
Workers state that although the company touts that they abide by health and safety regulations, including a ‘6 feet apart’ rule, it is not enforced. Chris Smalls notably states that the company has a complete disregard for the wellbeing of their workers: “They don’t care what we have going on at home, our families, our livelihoods.”
As we face yet another delayed quarantine timeline, and  ‘essential workers’ continue to put their lives on the line for low wages and little protection from the virus, this may be one of the most important May Days in history. Today, we must unite in solidarity with precarious workers everywhere and shed light on the injustices that continue to plague working society. 
Apart from supporting Chris’ inspiring work in the USA, we will follow his example and call for people to come and speak out against bad practices in their companies (Amazon but also any large corporation) in Europe! Together with workers like Chris Smalls, and allies across the world, we will build a network of resistance against such practices in Europe. 

DiEM25 TV Programme for May 1st

During this ‘quarantined’ May Day, we invite you to come along to our very special programme on YouTube and support workers around the world. Join us and ask questions for the Q&A by registering below!

Friday Night Special, May 1, 15:30 CEST

Amazon whistleblower Chris Smalls and Mehran Khalili: “Taking the power back”
In this episode of DiEM25 TV we speak to Amazon whistleblower Chris Smalls, the ex-Amazon employee who exposed the corporation’s unsafe practices on COVID. Chris is now at the centre of a growing movement in the US and spreading fast, that’s aiming at Amazon and other corporations who are failing to keep their workers safe in these precarious times.
Interview and Q&A
[Register HERE]

Friday Night Special, May 1, 20:00 CEST

Srećko Horvat: “Virus Mythologies” 
Inspired by Roland Barthes, this series explores the various myths around the COVID-19 virus. The coronavirus crisis goes beyond the physical, and into the symbolic space, as Srećko shows us. How is the crisis affecting semiotics? How is it infecting or affecting the system of signs — the way we produce meaning and understand different concepts? How is the coronavirus itself being referred to by different terms (Italian Virus, Chinese Virus) as it travels through different political spheres?
Interview and Q&A
[Register HERE]

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