Archive: Articles

The Green New Deal for Europe guarantees social and climate justice


With the GNDE and the European Justice Commission, the EU can direct the system to reforms that will benefit the climate, while prioritising ...

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Multinationals, how much do they pay and where? A call for transparency


European leadership on public country-by-country reporting could fix the environment of secrecy and abuse in the tax practices of multinationals.

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The Green New Deal for Europe can shield us from future pandemics


The risk of triggering pandemics such as the current COVID-19 crisis increases exponentially as we ignore calls to address climate breakdown.

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Failure to deal with Dominic Cummings is a failure of British democracy


The case of Cummings and the shameless defence of him by all prominent ministers, has eroded much of the public faith in the PM and his government.

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Essential workers ruffle the feathers of the Amazon empire


As essential workers maintaining the veneer of normalcy die from COVID-19, whistleblower Chris Smalls leads the charge to hold Amazon bosses ...

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Have Merkel & Macron just announced a eurobond-funded godsend for the EU?


Merkel and Macron's joint proposal for a 500 billion euro common fund will not lessen the upcoming austerity wave.

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La politique du Portugal : une solidarité nécessaire avec les migrants


Nous appelons les gouvernements d’autres pays à suivre l’exemple du Portugal et à accorder aux réfugiés et aux migrants des services sociaux et ...

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Kashmir: Why they need our support now


The Modi government stunned the international community by revoking nearly all of Article 370, leaving Kashmiris with no protections.

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Message from Yanis Varoufakis on the 72nd Anniversary of the Nakba


On the 72nd Anniversary of the Nakba, Yanis Varoufakis shares a powerful message.

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