Archive: Articles

The Progressive International: an open call to all progressive forces


Never before has international solidarity been more necessary — and more absent. The time has come for progressives around the world to unite.

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COVID-19 Has Created a Boom Economy for Big Data


COVID-19 may be wreaking havoc on businesses big and small, but there are winners in the pandemic economy. Namely, big data companies.

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Hoe volksvergaderingen vrede een kans kunnen geven


Wanneer vrouwen de kans grijpen om leiding te nemen, leveren ze ongelofelijke prestaties ten behoeve van zichzelf en hun gemeenschap.

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Le lanceur d’alerte d'Amazon Chris Smalls sur DiEMTV pour la Journée Internationale des Travailleurs


En ce 1er mai, nous devons montrer notre solidarité avec les travailleurs précaires du monde entier et dénoncer les mauvaises pratiques ...

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Starvation in the time of Corona: momentum for the Universal Basic Dividend


The occurrence of COVID-19 has revealed what European States most often try to hide: ever increasing poverty in the richest States on the planet. 

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DiEM25 TV Presents: Vandana Shiva, Christian Drosten, Grace Blakeley, Kenneth Goldsmith and more!


Join us at DiEM25 TV: a radically hopeful and constructive Television programme.

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Manchester’s quarantined music scene is a microcosm of inequality


Manchester's precarious musicians, engineers and venue workers need a life line, not just crumbs from the table. 

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Last month in DiEM25: April 2020


Now, more than ever, we need a strong, capable movement to push ahead our common-sense agenda for Europe and its people.

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A European Rent Strike is necessary to prepare the World After Coronavirus


We are calling for a rent strike aimed at serving the interest of millions of people with precarious access to basic goods.

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