Archive: Articles

We need resilient cities to face health and ecological crises


Building cities that are durable, habitable and resilient is essential to ensure that we can cope with health and ecological crises.

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Without Eurobonds, the politics of Revanchism is back


Lack of transparency and accountability in the EU and tensions between member-states are being used by far-right movements to project their power.

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European PPE shortages betray lack of solidarity with workers


PPE shortages endanger the lives of healthcare professionals, limit the availability of staff, and impact mental well-being.

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DiEM25 TV Presents: Roger Waters, Jodi Dean, Angela Richter and more!


Join us at DiEM25 TV: a radically hopeful and constructive Television programme.

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Why UK Progressives Should Look To DiEM25


The UK Left currently finds itself in disarray. A people-powered movement like DiEM25 could be a way of organizing for progressive policies.

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Disintegration of the Eurozone has begun. Austerity will be worse than in 2011


As the European economy begins to emerge from the coronavirus recession, we will be hit by a secondary recessionary wave imposed by Brussels and ...

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DiEM25 launches online conference series for political organising!


A space for DiEMers to organize European responses to COVID-19. Let's mobilise the structures that DiEM25 has built in order to seize this ...

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Capitalists are sacrificing us on the altar of profit


Capitalists are sacrificing us on the altar of profit. But it is well within the power of workers to remake the world. 

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Berlin Diaries: “Welcome to the new reality”


On Easter sunday, Berlin is lively with good weather and ice-cream. In the meantime, ever-more absurd politics play out during the crisis.

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