Archive: Articles

DiEM25 presents 3-point plan for dealing with COVID-19 depression


Here's our 3-point plan to protect all European residents, avert an economic depression, and prevent the collapse of the Union.

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The catastrophic consequences of privatisation in France


Increasing privatisation of public infrastructure and services has rendered France's hospitals vulnerable to COVID-19.

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COVID-19 is here: where is European solidarity?


We cannot flee from the coronavirus -- instead, it calls us to stay put and reevaluate our priorities as a society.

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Being in contact in a contactless new world


There will be a new normal. Since we are all at home, we can start imagining the new world.

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Last night Julian Assange called me. Here is what we talked about.


"Everything is now possible" says Julian Assange from prison.

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DiEM25 demands immediate release of Julian Assange!


On Wednesday, 25th of March, Julian Assange's lawyers will make a bail application at Westminster Magistrates Court.

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DiEM25 launches online TV series: the World After Coronavirus


Don't wait for someone to ask you what you have been doing in 2020, join us by seizing this historic moment!

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How deep will the depression occasioned by Covid-19 be?


Stephanie Flanders, Yanis Varoufakis, Veronique de Rugy and Alistair Darling debate the economic impact of COVID-19 on the BBC World Service: ...

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How people’s assemblies could give peace a chance


Where women have seized the opportunity to lead, they have accomplished incredible feats on behalf of themselves and their communities. By ...

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