Archive: Articles

Lille 19/12/10 demonstration against retirement law

Sweden: A clear counter-example for pensions


While the general rate of redistribution of wealth in Sweden is relatively high, this country has had a real push on the question of pension ...

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The European Union must stop mimicking Trump on Iran


The European Union must denounce Trump's imperialist policies.

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James Galbraith's memoir of lifelong struggles to make economics a force for good


Mainstream economics has always functioned as the mathematised ideology of financialised capitalism. The few economists who fought from within ...

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Reflections on 2019 — Yanis Varoufakis


Campaigning across Europe nearly broke me. But it also convinced me of the deep well of progressive energy waiting to be tapped.

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Ursula von der Leyens "Green Deal" ist Greenwashing


Maike Wilhelm vom DSC Göttingen zu Gast im Dissens Podcast

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Why MES is a mess


PERCHE’ IL TRATTATO EUROPEO DI STABILITA’ E’ UN CASINO Mess in inglese significa casino e si pronuncia esattamente come ...

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Bolivia's coup represents a threat to those fighting for democracy in the region


When military interventionism deposes the president elect of a nation, we forcefully decry the coup.

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Message to our British and European comrades


When results are bad, the stakes are even higher. But so is the need for an even greater determination.

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DiEM25 voted to support The Labour Party – now it's time to show our support


DiEM25 members voted to campaign for a Labour-led government in the UK. Now it's time to act to defeat the Tories.

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