Archive: Articles

DiEM25 petition: Suspend Free Trade with Brazil!


Europe must act without delay!

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Yanis Varoufakis: "I Am Not Boris"


Lazy analogy: Leading Brexiteers and many Remainers have sought to portray Yanis Varoufakis as one of their own.

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We Are Millions


The Courage Foundation, supported by DiEM25, launched #WeAreMillions, a massive photo campaign for Julian Assange.

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Fraud and Corruption in Slovenia


A defeated dragon is the symbol of Slovenia’s capital Ljubljana. But it seems it left a poisoned egg: EU's Troika.

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DiEM25 Italia: Salvini's threats must be countered!


Salvini's perfidious calculation: He provokes a government crisis in plain summer and could not be blamed for the chaos the adoption of Italy's ...

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"Boris Johnson is locked into a No Deal, Trump Deal Brexit" – Yanis Varoufakis on BBC Radio 4


Interview with MeRA25 MP and DiEM25 co-founder, Yanis Varoufakis, on BBC Radio 4 about Brexit and Boris Johnson.

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What the Labour Party-DiEM25 collaboration is all about – speech (audio) by Yanis Varoufakis


On Sunday July 14, the Labour Party and DiEM25 leadership teams agreed to embark upon a common agenda for Europe and beyond.

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Game of A – Bombs


Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty is another giant step backwards for global security.

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Against the fossil huggers!


Green is a symbol of hope — but it is also a source of great social wealth.

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