Archive: Articles

How people’s assemblies could give peace a chance


Where women have seized the opportunity to lead, they have accomplished incredible feats on behalf of themselves and their communities. By ...

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#Euroleaks: the twin tragedies of austerity and the refugee crisis


There is a deep connection between the tragedy of the rejection of migrants, the enforcement of austerity, and the memorandum that 62% of the ...

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Women on the frontline against COVID-19 pandemic


The most asked question in France, after the shutdown of schools, was: since women constitute 70% of hospital staff, who is going to take care ...

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The Eurogroup fails Europe once again. Brace for a hideous EU recession


Once again, the Eurogroup proved itself to be, not just dysfunctional, but a clear and present danger for Europeans.

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COVID-19: You're not alone. We're in this together.


The COVID-19 global crisis is accelerating, and it looks like things may get worse before they get better. And while we hope that you are able ...

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Yanis Varoufakis on the economic and political impact of the coronavirus


Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25 co-founder and MeRA25 MP, on the economic and political impact of the coronavirus.

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#Euroleaks: the full 2015 Eurogroup recordings now public!


Leaked by DiEM25 - full audio and transcripts available at

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The fight against pandemics can only be won with free, universal, public health care


When everybody is in danger, nobody is safe: this is the first lesson the Coronavirus pandemic has taught us, or better, reminded us of: that ...

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"A new breath for Mons": Municipalism in action in Lille!


Brice Montagne interviews Nicolas Dessaux on the "New breath for Mons" movement and what it means for municipalism. The project, which offers ...

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