Archive: Articles

Statement of solidarity with American Jews and Jewish people across the world


Our western societies have never completely conquered antisemitism, and it is our generation’s task to do this.

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European Spring alliance grows with new members Actúa and Nouvelle Donne!


We welcomed Actúa and Nouvelle Donne to our European Spring alliance and agreed the final common progressive agenda that we will take to the ...

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The European Spring is arriving in Frankfurt on October 26!


The European Spring will arrive in Frankfurt am Main on October 26, 2018, to mark the beginning of the democratisation of Europe in Germany.

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Julian Assange’s new ‘visits and communications’ regime is a small victory, but DiEM25 will continue pushing for his freedom


The new “protocol” regulating Julian Assange’s visits, communications and right to medical assistance remain inhumane. We will continue pushing ...

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DiEM Voice packs a full house at “Here and Now” event in London


On October 10, DiEM25 and DiEM Voice brought together more than 250 people for their "Here and Now" event at the Platform Theatre, Central Saint ...

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Yanis Varoufakis interview with Spain's La Razón (September 24, 2018)

The DiEM25 line was clear: IN the EU, against THIS EU! Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell adopted that view – a clear, sophisticated opposition to Brexit


Yanis Varoufakis speaks to Spain's La Razón on Brexit, the EU and DiEM25´s progessive answer to the "Nationalist International".

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We have white smoke! The results of MeRA25′ electoral program vote


The basic principle of DiEM25 – and MeRA25′ of course – is our internal democratic processes. MeRA25′ electoral program was voted in favour by ...

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Message to DiEM25 members: The summer is over, let's seize the day, let's seize 2019


 To all DiEM25 members Friends, comrades, DiEMers, Today I am writing to you in my capacity as Secretary of MeRA25, DiEM25’s Greek electoral ...

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Bernie Sanders and Yanis Varoufakis call on progressives to unite against Trump’s Nationalist International


The pair described the urgent need for a ‘Progressive International’ that can bring together people across the globe around a vision of shared ...

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