Archive: Articles

DiEM25’s response to the European Council: a coherent, human, effective migration policy


The 28 governments meeting in Brussels for the last European Council summit have abdicated their moral and political responsibility towards ...

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The EU is killing our democratic spaces using copyright as a Trojan horse


DiEM25’s position on Copyright Reform: democratise technology instead of allowing it to be used as a giant censorship machine in the interest of ...

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DiEM25 stands with El Día Después


Just like DiEM25, El Día Después is not about supporting a single party or politician, but a shared vision for the country’s future [Mexico].

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The myth of the ‘migrant burden’ debunked


We have definitive proof: migrant and refugee populations work hard and deliver prosperity to their host nations.

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European Spring lands in Warsaw


With partners from all corners of Europe, our common list for the 2019 European elections takes shape at a packed event in Poland.

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European Parliament Elections: launching the European Spring transnational list


DiEM25 will be at the forefront of the transnational “European Spring” list that will campaign for the European Parliament with a unified ...

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DiEM25 calls upon all progressives to support Julian Assange’s bid for freedom!


DiEM25 expresses its solidarity with Julian Assange and Wikileaks and calls upon all progressives to support his bid for life and liberty.

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Germany’s government on the brink of collapse over migration policy


In Germany, then, we have a showdown. Even if the matter looks settled for the moment, it is almost certain that this new “coalition of the ...

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DiEM25 supports de Magistris and other brave Italian mayors’ decision to #Let_Them_In | #Aquarius


When the Italian government shuts its ports to migrants, it is time for cities to disobey and keep them open.

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