Archive: Articles

Yanis Varoufakis - Illustration by Joe Ciardiello

Saving the Sacred Cow


Yanis Varoufakis’s vision for a more democratic Europe.

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May 1st: As long as capitalism exists, every generation of workers is condemned to wage the same struggles again and again – for dignity, wages, conditions, hours


Today, May 1, we struggle not to forget the sacrifices of generations of workers to etch onto the world’s collective conscience the crucial ...

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Electoral Wing

DiEM25's Labour, Employment and Social Protection Policy Paper now in development – Contribute!


It is essential that we can propose European citizens and workers an alternative programme that puts social justice and the reduction of ...

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“European Spring”: The transnational list to present a progressive alternative in 2019 gathers pace


Progressive political forces from across the continent gather in Lisbon to advance their common European agenda ahead of next year’s European ...

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Straight talk on trade, international institutions, Greek austerity and inequality


European austerity is a politics of power. It's a banker protection racket. And the fact is, the strategy has now failed.

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Transnational List - Council Meeting II

Europe's pioneer transnational list council to gather in Lisbon


The list's co-founders, as well as observers representing various political forces from across Europe, will hold their second meeting to ...

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Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook, privacy, and the use of data


The solution: break down Facebook’s monopolies.

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Emmanuel Macron

The painful cost of French ascendency


The French economy might turn out to be the toast of Brussels, but the day to day experience for the French people will not endear them to ...

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