Archive: Articles

Armenia’s youth take to the streets to defend their future

Armenia’s youth take to the streets to defend their future


Citizens have taken to the streets in Armenia’s capital to protest the appointment of Serj Sargsyan, the country’s outgoing president, as ...

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Scientific research is the next victim of the EU’s democratic deficit

Scientific research is the next victim of the EU’s democratic deficit


Proposed EU legislation wants to turn scientific publications into profit. We must mobilize to protect the scientific community and block the ...

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Viktor Orbán

Orbán's re-election: hardly a fair fight


It remains to be seen how much more draconian Hungary will become in this new term.

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Europe’s pioneer transnational list: Council Meeting Conclusions


Here are the conclusions of the first meeting among the founders of Europe’s pioneer transnational list.

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Tax evasion

EU keeps increasing the opportunities for tax evasion


Spasmodic actions from the EU reveal that there is no solid long-term plan for tax evasion and channeling tax money transparently.

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Hope is back for Greece: DiEM25 launches new political party


We had a full house on Monday for the launch in Athens of the MeRA25 party, DiEM25's electoral wing in Greece.

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Yanis Varoufakis gives Kingston University's 6th annual Shakespeare lecture at the Rose Theatre

The madness and conflict of Shakespeare's characters can humanise economics


Why former Greek finance minister and co-founder of DiEM25 – a pan-European movement for democratising the EU – accepted the invitation to give ...

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DiEM25 to become political contender in Greece


Join us as we continue to make history on March 26 when we'll launch MeRA25, DiEM25's electoral wing in Greece.

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