Archive: Articles

The London Declaration: Why we stay in the EU to change it


Signatories included: Yanis Varoufakis, Caroline Lucas, John McDonnell, Clive Lewis, Owen Jones, Anthony Barnett, Sirio Canós Donnay, Neal ...

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Biggest ‘In’ rally of the campaign to take place on Saturday (28th)


Over 1000 people will gather on Saturday at what campaigners claim will be the ‘biggest pro-EU rally of the referendum campaign’.

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The Refugees Through my Eyes


(By Dora Chalari / Production Assistant at SKAI TV for OTE TV) It might sound strange, but no, it isn’t. Last October, one of the largest ...

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DiEM25 member Ken Loach wins Palme d’Or at Cannes


Lauded British director and DiEM25 member, Ken Loach, was awarded his second Palme d’Or last night at the Cannes Film Festival for I, ...

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The Globalising Wall


From its origins in the Cold War to its triumph at undermining a disintegrating European Union. As I write these lines in downtown Athens, ...

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DiEM25 and the UK Referendum


As the 23rd June Referendum approaches, the British people are being bombarded by a false dilemma between remaining in an undemocratic EU and ...

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An Austrian Refugee Teacher Says #let_them_in


Guest post by Robert Bigler About 14 months ago I met the first Syrian refugees in my hometown. It was a chance encounter which, however, would ...

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Yanis Varoufakis's Message to DiEM25 Members Injured in Paris


Nino, Remy and Violette, I am writing to thank you.  For what you did and for what you suffered. You have thousands of friends, comrades and ...

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DiEM25 Condemns Police Brutality in Paris


In France, DiEM25 works alongside trade unions and many other associations in action against the labour reforms bill and more recently against ...

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