Archive: Articles

Press release: DiEM25 condemns Brussels’ attacks


“Europe must pull together more than ever before.” ROME, ITALY, 22 MARCH 2016.- DiEM25, the Democracy in Europe Movement, strongly condemns the ...

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Press release: DiEM25 Takes European Institutions to Task on Transparency


DiEM25 breaks ground in Italy with its first Assembly to promote its ‘Transparency in Europe Now!’ campaign – a “prerequisite to Europe’s ...

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Noam Chomsky Joins DiEM25


“DiEM25’s Manifesto is a bold effort to reverse the damage and restore the promise” CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, March 14, 2016– ...

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Europe and the Specter of Democracy


Michel Feher interviewed Yanis Varoufakis before the DiEM25 launch. The interview first appeared on “Near Futures Online” in the ...

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Eu-Turkey Deal

Press Statement: Condemning European Summit’s Preliminary Accord to Expel Refugees to Turkey


DiEM25, the Democracy in Europe Movement, strongly condemns the preliminary agreement reached during last night’s European Union Summit, ...

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EU Referendum: 'Yes' Is the Correct Answer to the Wrong Question


This article by Dr Richard Barbrook first appeared on Huffington Post on February 25, 2016 On 5th June 1975, I cast my first ever vote in a ...

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Faces of Democratic Deficit


Slavoj Žižek Sometimes faces become symbols – not of the strong individuality of their bearers but of the anonymous forces behind them. ...

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DiEM25 Finland!


On 3 March 2016, the 2nd Self Organized DiEM25 Finnish Gathering was held at a lecture hall of the University of Helsinki, Finland. Around 80 ...

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Urging Sweden and the UK to free Julian Assange


Call on the governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom to comply without further delay with the UN's Working Group's findings and "ensure the ...

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