Archive: Articles

Less shock and more strategy needed after Geert Wilders victory



Whenever a disruption candidate does well on the right, the reaction from the mainstream and the left is anything but analytical

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COP28: A lobbying conference for the biggest polluters



Those who are destroying our planet will gather to preach that we are all in the same boat and that everyone needs to do their part

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MERA25 Germany presents official candidates for 2024 European elections


MERA25 Germany presents official candidates for the 2024 European elections under the slogan "Live and Decide Independently"

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DiEM25 supports ‘Make Amazon Pay’ strikes and protests on Black Friday


DiEM25 stands proudly with the Make Amazon Pay coalition ahead on November 24, on the busiest shopping day of the year known as Black Friday

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Netherlands: Another election in Europe, another victory for the far-right


Geert Wilders was the big winner in the Dutch general election as the far-right continues to grow at an alarming rate in Europe

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Europe’s 15-year slump



Europe is languishing in a long-term economic slump whose origins lay in Wall Street’s near-death experience in 2008

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Yanis Varoufakis answers FAQs on Israel-Palestine


I answer a number of questions I am frequently asked by friends and critics on the Israeli-Palestinian issue

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Good times for the Military-Industrial Complex



Rather than romanticising the military-industrial complex, isn’t it time to place it under greater democratic control?

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European complicity in war crimes in Gaza



Some EU member states have been busy doing business with Israel, approving lucrative arms deliveries, aware they will be used against the ...

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