Archive: Articles

25 years later: Is it still viable to use the Good Friday Agreement as a template for peace?



Despite a lack of meaningful implementation, many continue to look to the Good Friday Agreement for guidance on how to negotiate peace

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The underrated power of media literacy



Boosting our digital immunity is the only lasting cure for internet lies

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Free Assange campaign to be promoted at Roger Waters tour


We are proud to be promoting some of the many campaigns advocating for the freedom of Assange at the Roger Waters concerts in Amsterdam

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DiEMers from across Europe are meeting in Greece this May


Athens is now set to host DiEM25's fourth Academy: an opportunity for our members to meet in person and merge perspectives from around Europe

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Our measures for housing


DiEM25 in Portugal will take to the streets with housing movements and activist groups

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Let the banks burn



The banking system we take for granted is unfixable. The good news is that we no longer need to rely on any banks, at least not the way we have so far

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We stand with Jeremy Corbyn


We stand with Jeremy Corbyn as a genuine internationalist and inspiration to progressive forces around the world

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US invasion of Iraq 20 years on: The brutal strategy that spawned total chaos in the Middle East



Washington's decision to completely dismantle the state and military apparatus, contributed decisively to the prevalence of total chaos and the ...

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We have the support of Climate List Germany for the parliamentary elections in Bremen


Bit by bit MERA25 is gaining support and shaping up as the radical, progressive and green political force for Bremen

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