Archive: Articles

We stand against trade with settlements – sign the petition now


We urge our audience and members to sign the European Citizens’ Initiative to send a message against trade with settlements

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Love and let love: Against irrational fears through solidarity



On the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 2022, we are reminded of the need for love, acceptance and solidarity

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Sweden and Finland joining NATO will not make Europe safer


The interests of common people can only be served by a new Non-Aligned Movement

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Al-Nakba: The ongoing catastrophe of the Palestinian people


The execution of Shireen Abu Akleh is one of the many ways the Israeli authorities seek to silence those that expose the apartheid regime

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United against repression: DiEM25 condemns Berlin’s ban on Nakba commemorations


With several other organisations, we stand against this attack on individual rights

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Yanis Varoufakis, Jeremy Corbyn and Ece Temelkuran present the Athens Declaration


The War on Ukraine calls for support for victims of war and a new non-aligned movement

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Manifesto launch: It’s a new dawn, it’s a new DiEM25


Our movement has charted a new course that is more radical, confrontational and effective

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Jeremy Corbyn discusses Ukraine, Greece, Brexit, NHS and Labour Party ahead of participation at MeRA25 Congress


Interview with Jeremy Corbyn ahead of his participation at MeRA25 Congress: Ukraine, Brexit, Greece, the NHS, Labour Party and more!

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The day is ours: Read our first ever manifesto update on May 9, Europe Day


Read our first-ever updated manifesto on May 9, 2022 with a new, radical vision for a democratic Europe

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