Archive: Articles

Join MERA25 Germany in Bremen on July 23


We invite you to Bremen, Germany on July 23, for an event-filled day with stimulating exchanges of ideas, good music and various guests from ...

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Debt for Climate: An initiative to foster a just green transition


A Global South-driven grassroots initiative to turn debt into climate action and create the foundations for a just green transition

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Erik Edman: Assange decision a threat to press freedom worldwide


DiEM25’s Political Director spoke to the Greek daily newspaper Ethnos about the Assange extradition decision and its wider ramifications

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Reclaiming Italian labour rights: DiEM25 launches ‘Lavoro se’ campaign


Co-founder Yanis Varoufakis was present in support of the new initiative which seeks to assist in reclaiming labour rights in Italy

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We congratulate Progressive International member Gustavo Petro on his election as president of Colombia


For the first time in its history, Colombia will have a left-wing government

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MeRA25 slams Greece, Turkey and EU for ‘embarrassing’ attitude towards refugees


MeRA25 has issued a statement calling out Greece, Turkey and the EU for their role in the continuous deaths of refugees in the Mediterranean

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Statement on the UK government’s decision to approve Julian Assange’s extradition to the US


No words can express the gravity of the precedent set today after Assange's extradition to the US was approved

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With or without Boris Johnson, real political change in the UK is far away



Whether he staggers pointlessly on for another year, or a few weeks, the prospect of any replacement grasping the urgencies looks dim at best

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Varoufakis: Grounded Rwanda asylum flight a win for humanism


A late ruling by the European Court of Human Rights stepped in to overrule the move, putting a halt to the UK government’s dangerous plan

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