Archive: Articles

DiEM25 steps up efforts in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Sweden


As a bottom-up, internationalist movement, we’re counting on grassroots support to power our bid to transform Europe.

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The Establishment doesn’t tell us to ‘Look Down’ — it tells us ‘Don’t Look Up’



Don’t Look Up has become a successful movie because people are identifying with it. Many problems that we face are being problematised by it.

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Mining corporations are causing massive damage to communities – but people are fighting back


The people mobilising to resist extractive industries must be supported against the imposition of toxic mining in their communities.

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We’re hiring! Web Editor


We're looking for a Web Editor. The deadline for applications is January 31, 2022. Read the job description and apply!

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End of year (2021) message from Yanis Varoufakis


In this video I share some ideas for our movement’s challenging yet exciting road ahead. Build the next phase of DiEM25 with us!

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Yanis Varoufakis on why Croatia shouldn’t adopt the Euro, German politics and much more


Exclusive interview with DiEM25 co-founder Yanis Varoufakis, conducted by Nataša Vlašić Smrekar, for Croatian media Vecernji List.

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A new day in Chile: DiEM25 congratulates Gabriel Boric and the Chilean people on a historic victory


The people of Chile have made history by choosing hope over fear, and democracy over the shadow of dictatorship.

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Radical Lessons From 2021 — (Dec 20) with Noam Chomsky and Yanis Varoufakis


Yanis Varoufakis and Noam Chomsky talk about radical lessons learned from 2021, and what hope there is for the future.

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I Often Dream of a Revolution — (Dec 19) DiEM TV Christmas Special with Olga Dimitrijević and Maja Pelević


Olga Dimitrijević and Maja Pelević talk about rebellious women who fight for a radical (eco)feminist socialist revolution and much more!

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