Archive: Articles

Neoliberalism is feeding a culture of individualism and the pandemic is making it worse



João Hermeto on how neoliberalism has destroyed the collective force of social relations that constitute our social lives.

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“Anything to Say” art exhibition inaugurated in Geneva in support of Julian Assange


Art project ‘Anything to Say?’’ by sculptor and DiEM25 member Davide Dormino, was officially inaugurated on Saturday, June 5, in Geneva.

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Being on the autistic spectrum in Europe, care challenges, employment and solutions


World Autistic Pride Day - June 18, an international celebration, promoting understanding and acceptance of autism, established in 2005.

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Spanish Citizen’s Climate Assembly could still deliver — if the government allow it



Despite the fact that the Spanish Government itself has declared a climate emergency, it refuses to take concrete measures.

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Last Month in DiEM: May — and what’s coming up next


A round-up of our DiEM25 activities during the month of May, and what's coming up next in June! Looking to get active? Join us!

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Return to Greece: Our journey to the first MeRA25 party congress


On June 4, Clemens Holtmann and Johannes Fehr — Members of Demokratie in Europa — travelled to Greece to attend MeRA25's party Congress.

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[Video] Johannes Fehr: “MeRA25 friends in Greece: you are not alone. We are building resistance everywhere!”


Johannes Fehr's speech at the first MeRA25 Congress in Athens. He's a Board Member of DiEM25's German Electoral Wing: Demokratie in Europa.

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MeRA25 holds first phase of its Consultative Congress


The first phase of the party's Congress focussed on the adoption of MeRA25's positions regarding 21 thematic sectors.

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ΜeRΑ25 Congress: A Celebration of Democracy — June 4-6


MeRA25, DiEM25's Electoral Wing in Greece, is holding its first Congress between June 4-6 at the Multi-unit Site of Drapetsona.

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