Archive: Articles

Democracy and HDP are victims of Erdoğan with the EU as witness


In his latest attempts to ban the HDP party, Erdoğan has stripped HDP member of parliament Kocaeli Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu of his status as deputy.

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Sexual and gender based violence: Lessons from Chiapas, Mexico


The Gender 1 DSC highlights the Zapatista's use of self-organisation, mediation and restorative justice to address sexual and gender-based violence.

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Private interests may destroy part of Portugal’s natural beauty – let’s stop them


The cliffs of Ponta da Piedade in the Algarve are fenced off by private interests, who are seeking to develop it despite encroaching on public land.

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Green New Deal for Europe (tweet)storms the European Parliament TODAY!


To mark the Global Climate Strike today, we’ve turned our GNDE goals into tweet-sized demands and will direct a tweetstorm at the European Parliament!

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Mark Rutte to lead the Netherlands for the 4th time – Further austerity and xenophobia predicted


Exit polls suggest that People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), led by incumbent Prime Minister Mark Rutte, will lead another four-year term.

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Sarah Everard reveals ingrained misogyny in UK society and its judicial system


The abduction and murder of Sarah Everard has produced an outpouring of sympathetic grief from the nation’s women and those who care for them.

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Why should we care about the monarchy?



The monarchy, the police, the House of Lords, multinational corporations and the right-wing media are reproducing systems of inequality.

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The invisible labour of women keeps our societies and economies going


Care work performed by women is not valued as economically relevant; more often it is either unpaid or badly remunerated.

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Violence and its forms: maintaining focus for collective action



From the brutal crack-downs in Myanmar to the inequity of resource allocation under COVID-19, violence has become part of 'business as usual’.

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