Archive: Articles

Julian Assange’s trial is part of an increasing encroachment on democracy


The Assange case has become more about the personality of Assange than what Wikileaks has exposed - government misconduct.

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Internationalism or Extinction: Inaugural Summit of the Progressive International


On 18-20 September, the Progressive International (PI) will host its inaugural summit 'Internationalism or Extinction' - join us!

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Debenhams workers have been picketing for over 150 days in Dublin


Debenhams closed the Irish branch during lockdown, but over 150 days later workers are still fighting for their redundancies.

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Is it really in the interest of Irish citizens to defend the Apple tax?



The wealth brought by multinationals has not benefited Irish citizens due to the staunch refusal to implement redistribution policies.

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DiEM TV: “Beyond Castles” — Rosemary Bechler & Michael Sinclair in conversation with Peter MacLeod


How do we defend public debate in the COVID era? A conversation with Peter MacLeod of MASS LBP, leading pioneer in deliberative democracy.

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In memory of George Bizos


It is with great sadness that DiEM25 informs our movement of the passing of Human Rights Lawyer and DiEM25 Advisory Panel member George Bizos.

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Yanis Varoufakis on the tragic situation in Moria


What would you do if you, your family and another 13000 people were incarcerated in a prison camp built for 1800 people?

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Platform capitalism: How Big Tech monopolies are messing up the global economy



Platform companies are dependent on capital injections and their employees rarely benefit from their 'success'.

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The dark shadow of conflicts on the Aegean and the Mediterranean


As we commemorate Turkey's tragic pogrom event, we witness the same politically manipulated and provocative conditions half a century later.

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