Archive: Articles

No-Platforming: A right-wing means for undermining progressive ends



Let's change the course of culture-warfare, away from a barren territory and back to a more creative arena, free of censorship.

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We travelled almost 2,000 km to talk to MeRA25 activists across Greece


DiEM25 is preparing a documentary tracing the stories of volunteers and organisers who participated in the electoral campaign in Greece last year!

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Srećko Horvat: The Belmarsh Tribunal


The Belmarsh Tribunal puts the US on trial for its crimes of the 21st century and draws attention to the case of Julian Assange for revealing them.

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Historic verdict against Golden Dawn undermined by police brutality outside courthouse


Riot police attacked crowds including MeRA25 MPs wanting to celebrate the decision against the neo-nazi party Golden Dawn.

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News from Turkey: The figures are under control, but the pandemic is not


An uncontrolled ‘opening process’ reducing COVID-19 measures due to economic expectations has led to a renewed rise in cases.

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Accounting for ethics: the ‘ill’ logic of neoliberalism 



The failure of 'developed’ capitalist economies to safeguard citizens' wellbeing during a public health crisis reveals a need for moral accounting.

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Chris Smalls: “Now is the time” to confront corporate oligarchy


Amazon worker turned organiser Chris Smalls continues the fight against Jeff Bezos' Amazon, calling for a US general strike on election day.

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Last Month in DiEM25: September 2020


Now, more than ever, we need a strong, capable movement to push ahead our common-sense agenda for Europe and its people.

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A guilty verdict for Golden Dawn is only the beginning


MeRA25, will be outside the Courthouse awaiting, along with many other antifascists, the guilty verdict.

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