DiEM TV: “Beyond Castles” — Rosemary Bechler & Michael Sinclair in conversation with Peter MacLeod

Rosemary Bechler and Michael Sinclair in conversation with Peter MacLeod of MASS LBP, a leading pioneer in the democratic process in Canada and worldwide.

What kind of democracy should a democratising movement fight for?

How do we defend the public realm and public debate in the COVID era?

Do citizens assemblies work?

Peter Macleod is the co-founder and Principal of MASS LBP — “Canada’s home for democratic innovation and public strategy.” They are leading experts in public engagement and deliberative democracy. During this discussion, he will help shed light on these questions through his experience with reference panels, citizens’ assemblies, commissions for governments, and more.

Peter Macleod also frequently writes and speaks about the citizen’s experience of the state, the importance of public imagination, and the future of responsible government.

Come join us for this episode of DiEMTV!

We call it TV because we like retro-futurism. But it’s much more than TV. In times of global pandemics, DiEM25 has launched a special online and completely free program to understand the current crisis and offer tools and hope to get out of it stronger and more united in building the World After Coronavirus.

Everyone can join; you don’t have to be a DiEM25 member. Please register for the event in order to get a link sent to your email. The registration form also allows you to ask a question to the panelists, suggest next topics and next guests.

Register for the event here!

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