Next Stop 2019

DiEM25 and European progressive forces gather in Naples to launch historic transnational list

On March 10, 2018 we are starting the path towards building the first pan-European, transnational list. And our immediate aim is to compete in the May 2019 European elections on the strength of a single Manifesto mapping out a clear path to a democratic, ecological, egalitarian and ambitious Europe.

The next few years will determine whether the current and future generations will look at Europe as a source of torpor or as a source of promise. We, the Democracy in Europe Movement (DiEM25), believe that this is our generation’s moment to seize the day and give the people of Europe a real alternative to the Establishment and the rising ‘nationalist international’; a progressive path to save Europe from itself. The alternative to “There Is No Alternative”.
That’s why this weekend we’ll be landing in Naples with the first members of what will constitute Europe’s first-ever transnational list to set that alternative in motion – the initial steps toward getting back our cities, our regions, our countries, our environment, our Europe.
“To do this effectively, however”, underlines DiEM25 co-founder Yanis Varoufakis, “we need first to take back our Europe. We understand that the only way to bring about change is by forming a broad, democratic, radical Europeanist Single Transnational List, based on a single Manifesto that offers all Europeans a common Green New Deal – and a path toward a democratic European Union. This is why we are gathering in Naples: To forge precisely that. And we hope many more will join us!”
Among us at the dawn of in this landmark initiative, a line-up of progressive political actors, intellectuals and grassroots activists from every corner of Europe, including France’s former presidential candidate Benoît Hamon and his new party Génération-s, Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris, representatives from young left-wing Polish political party Razem, Denmark’s The Alternative, Portugal’s LIVRE, and many more.
We gather in Naples convinced that the solution to our regions’ and countries’ crises must be European. We are ready to jointly, and with respect to democratic processes, develop and activate a combined pan-European, national and municipal strategy to tackle our common crises: from climate change to migration and refugees, from tax avoidance to private and public debt.
None of these solutions can emerge from Europe’s current technocracy and the business-as-usual attitudes of its establishment. Nor, can they come from the disintegrationists proposing a return to the nation-state. Thus, against both, we aim at becoming the credible, coherent, radical alternative in Europe’s Parliament.
In the weeks and months ahead, we’ll continue to reach out and extend invitations to all other European progressive forces who may be ready to join our historic bid to transform Europe.
The train has left the station, slowly, and with its doors wide open!



Here’s what will be happening (see schedule below for specifics on timing and locations):

– On Saturday, March 10 the first collective meeting among the founding members of Europe’s first transnational political list will take place at Domus Ars. The initial deliberations taking place during this ground-breaking gathering aim to outline the main lines of the transnational initiative’s framework and establish a provisional governing council. The minutes from these discussions will be made public online.
– Following the day-long deliberations, delegates of all political forces gathered in Naples will hold a joint press conference, where they will comment on the outcome of the meetings and present a jointly-signed Open Call to Europe’s progressives to join this initiative.
– On Sunday, March 11 we will hold an Open Assembly with our members and activists, as well as with social movements and grassroots networks.



Preliminary Council Meeting

  • When: Saturday, March 10 | 11am – 5.15pm.
  • Where: Domus Ars, Via Santa Chiara, 10.
  • Participants: Alternativet (Denmark), Bündnis – DiEM25 (Germany), DeMA (Italy), DiEM25, Génération-s (France), LIVRE (Portugal), Razem (Poland).
  • Observers: DEMOS (Romania), DiB (Germany), European Green Party, European Party of the Left, Levica (Slovenia), Nova ljevica and Zagreb Je NAŠ! (Croatia), PCF (France).


Press Conference

  • When: Saturday, March 10 | 6pm.
  • Where: Palazzo Venezia, Via Benedetto Croce 19.


Open Assembly of members, social movements and grassroots activists

  • When: Sunday, March 11 | 11am – 1pm.
  • Where: Domus Ars, Via Santa Chiara, 10.
  • Participants: All welcome!


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