DiEM25 calls on members and friends in France to join nationwide mobilisation

DiEM25 calls upon members and friends in France to flood the streets of every town and city against the government’s authoritarian tactics

After a special constitutional power was imposed to raise the retirement age in France from 62 to 64, the French people took to the streets to voice their displeasure. And that resistance should not stop until Macron’s government gets the message that this will not be tolerated.

With the government surviving a vote of no-confidence, anger has escalated in France with mass protests taking place across the country.

DiEM25 calls upon its members and friends across France to join in tomorrow’s nationwide mobilisation – to flood the streets of every town and every city against the Macron government’s authoritarian tactics deployed in the service of changes to the pension system that amount to a new class war against society’s weakest: the poor, the precarious, workers, women and minorities.

Carpe DiEM!

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