DiEM25 TV Presents: Vandana Shiva, Christian Drosten, Grace Blakeley, Kenneth Goldsmith and more!

DiEM25 TV has been bringing you fascinating content during the coronavirus crisis.

We’ve featured such greats as Noam Chomsky, Saskia Sassen, Slavoj Žižek, Astra Taylor,  Stefania Maurizi and Gael García Bernal. And you’ve been able to discuss issues like corona-neo-fascism, love, hope and humour in times of coronavirus, as well as the EU’s abject failure to deal with this crisis.

Here’s what DiEM25 TV has in store for you in the upcoming days:

Register to our upcoming programmes and send in your questions to our guest participants in advance or through the live chat on YouTube!
Thursday, May 7, 21:00 CEST
Grace Blakeley, Michael Brooks and David Adler: After Corbyn, after Bernie, what next?
[Register HERE]
Friday Night Special, May 8, 20:00 CEST
Srećko Horvat and special guest Kenneth Goldsmith: “The Virus Mythologies”
[Register HERE]
Monday, May 11, 20:00 CEST
Yanis Varoufakis and Caroline Lucas: “Another Now”
[Register HERE]
Wednesday, May 13, 20:00 CEST
Christian Drosten and Angela Richter: “Virology – total transparency vs fake news”
[Register HERE]
Thursday, May 14, 20:00 CEST
Boris Buden and Maja Pelević: COVID-19 – return of the repressed
[Register HERE]
Friday Night Special, May 15, 20:00 CEST
Srećko Horvat: “The Virus Mythologies”
[Register HERE]
Monday, May 18, 20:00 CEST
Yanis Varoufakis: “Another Now”
[Register HERE]
Tuesday, May 19, 17:00 CEST
Vandana Shiva and Stefania Romano: “Towards a transformation of hope for the earth”
[Register HERE]

Do you want to be informed of DiEM25's actions? Sign up here

Yanis Varoufakis to speak at ‘We Demand Change’ summit in London

This pivotal event aims to unite activists, trade unionists, and campaigners to foster the movements necessary for transformative change

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No NATO war summit! Counter-Summit Coalition calls for peace and justice

The Counter-Summit Coalition for Peace and Justice is organising a demonstration and counter-summit against NATO in The Hague on June 21 and 22

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MERA25 protest for Tempi victims at Greek Independence Day parade in Athens

While Greek government officials were being peddled on the podiums at the Greek Independence Day parade, MERA25 was in Syntagma square demanding ...

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Reclaiming resistance in an age of surveillance and authoritarianism

Meenakshi Thirukode looks at the criminalisation of dissent, the power of collective resistance, and highlights the urgent need to reclaim ...

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