DiEMers from across Europe are meeting in Greece this May

Following Belgrade, Cologne and Lisbon, Athens is now set to host DiEM25’s fourth Academy: an opportunity for our members to meet in person, merge perspectives from all corners of Europe and organise their common struggle.

Like Plato and his students in ancient Athens, DiEM25 is a community striving to see beyond the boundaries of its cave: we imagine a Europe beyond nationalism, capitalism and military alliances. 

With COVID-19 travel restrictions behind us, the time has come to get together once again and find ways to spread our vision far and wide – by charting sound policies and building grassroots campaigns that will radically transform our continent.

Towards this, we are organising this Academy with the following priorities in mind:

  • Renew our grassroots network;
  • Form close ties between our activists;
  • Deepen links between DiEM25, MERA25 and mέta;
  • Give our organisers the tools they need (campaigning skills, policy knowledge, technical training in public speaking, policy communication, and more)
  • Coordinate our efforts on the run-up to a major milestone: the European Elections in 2024

With the help of our movement’s partners, policy coordinators, campaign strategists, tech experts and grassroots members, the DiEM25 Academy promises to be a unique learning and connecting experience, helping to build the skilled transnational community able to fuel the wider struggle to wrest power from the oligarchy.

Join us in Athens, at the fourth DiEM25 Academy, from April 30 to May 5!

Let’s get out of the cave! For a few days, let’s leave online communication aside and meet face to face. Let’s overcome boundaries; mental, cultural and physical.

Come to the DiEM25 Academy and join our fight!


April 30: Arrivals, meet & greet
May 1: Going to the streets with MeRA25 members
May 2: Workshops / presentations / discussion and Q&A at Cinema Mikrokosmos
May 3: Workshops / presentations / discussion and Q&A at Cinema Mikrokosmos
May 4: Departures OR excursion to Sunion and lunch at taverna
May 5: Departures

For a more detailed look at the programme, click here

Note: the working language of DiEM25 Academy is English. All workshops and discussions will be held in English.

If you need further information, contact us at events@diem25.org

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