DiEMers join ‘Global Women for Peace United against NATO’ campaigners ahead of Vilnius summit

DiEM25 supporters in Brussels joined partner organisations to make their voices known against the military alliance ahead of the NATO Summit

Global Women for Peace United Against NATO, hosted by the Belgian movement Vrede (Peace), DiEM25’s partner in the ‘Europe for Peace’ platform, has been organising events in Brussels to make its voice known against the military alliance ahead of the NATO Summit in Vilnius on July 11.

Last week, DiEM25 supporters joined activists from these movements outside the European Parliament building with banners that urged for a halt to NATO’s expansion and an end to the war in Ukraine.

In addition, webinars and meetings were held between members and supporters to raise awareness of the main objectives of these organisations.

“We are women from across the world, who deeply love our planet. We cherish the universal principles of equality, justice and peace affirmed by the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; we fight for the affirmation of the rights of women and peoples, against all forms of violence, exploitation and discrimination,” reads a statement by Global Women for Peace United Against NATO.

“For decades, we have been engaged in the search for global peace, for a new world order that abolishes war. We recognise the role that capitalism plays in generating militarism and war, and we want a new, non-militarized security, to ensure the life and health of present and future generations of all on this planet – and of the planet itself.

“The time of colonialism and imperialism has passed. The time of the West’s claim to unipolar domination and ‘moral supremacy’ is over. Today we welcome a new multipolar world order based on shared decisions, on social and environmental justice, on the sharing of resources and technologies, on the transition to zero military arsenals. This is what we women said at the Madrid Peace Summit last year. We will reaffirm this on the occasion of the NATO Summit in Vilnius 2023.”


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