DiEMers, you have until November 8 to make an important decision

In a pioneering experiment in grassroots democracy, DiEMers from every corner of Europe have produced over 30 proposals on how to best organise our movement in the years ahead.

Our members’ proposals are currently available in the Members Area:

Influencing and Winning
Growing our Support
Running an Effective Movement

And now DiEMers have until November 8 at midnight to review them and vote for those which you think should be discussed during our Assembly in Prague at the end of the month!

After the Assembly’s deliberations are over, we will call on DiEMers again to vote in the proposals that DiEM25 will implement to guide our movement-building efforts, campaigns and political actions.

Here’s a message from Coordinating Collective member Mame to you:

Carpe DiEM25!

P.S Elections to our National Collectives in France and Spain are on! Make sure you visit this page to learn about the people stepping up to help us guide our movement in these countries – and cast your vote!

Do you want to be informed of DiEM25's actions? Sign up here

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