Yearly Archives: 2023

Dušan Pajović: The five biggest myths against the trans community



DiEM25's Campaign Coordinator seeks to dispel what he perceives as the most common ‘myths’ and ‘propaganda’ against the transgender community

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What is the true meaning behind Portugal Day?


The Lusophone world celebrates its national holiday in memory of a grand poet on June 10 of each year

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Greece’s political shift could spark a grassroots reawakening



Greece, for years, has neglected ground-level activism. As we move into a period of greater authoritarianism, social conservativism, and ...

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The transformation of health perception: How did we get here and what needs to change?



With globalisation and the increasing power of pharmaceutical companies, there has been an objectification of the disease and the patient

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Ending the war in Ukraine: The time has come for civil society to lead


A special conference has been called in Vienna to overcome obstacles and work more effectively - as civil society - towards ending this war

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Legally protecting nature: The power of recognising ‘ecocide’


On World Environment Day, Stop Ecocide International executive director Jojo Mehta provides an introduction to ‘ecocide law’

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Turkey: What to expect from Erdoğan, his ultranationalist alliance and their ‘family values’ pledges


Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s campaign was laced with nationalist and anti-immigrant rhetoric, which is only expected to increase throughout his latest ...

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Is the Green Party of England and Wales heading for an identity crisis?



In light of DiEM25's recent livestream titled 'What the hell happened to Green politics?' the following article raises many interesting points ...

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Davide Castro: Inside the Brussels greenwashing machine



A detailed personal account of dealing with Green politics in Brussels, which often hid far more sinister intentions beyond its seemingly ...

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