Posts By: Benjamin James Davies

Why should we care about the monarchy?



The monarchy, the police, the House of Lords, multinational corporations and the right-wing media are reproducing systems of inequality.

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The state of our unions in the UK



Amidst Brexit and COVID-19, our unions are more important than ever in order to fight 'fire and rehire' schemes and eroding worker protections.

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Why are the Labour Party turning their back on the Green Industrial Revolution?



Labour’s ‘Green Recovery’ report is a quivering withdrawal from Labour’s 2019 manifesto pledge to deliver a Green Industrial Revolution.

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Covid diktats, disunity and revolt: The slow death of the United Kingdom



What the showdown between Westminster and the regions demonstrates is that the Tories govern in the interest of capital and little else.

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Breaking point: How a Green New Deal for Europe will save us from disaster



We must stop viewing wildfires as a horrific spectacle, and centre these events in the rapidly unfolding disaster of climate breakdown.

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Solidarity and resistance: How renters are fighting against unjust evictions


As thousands face eviction across the UK, the protection of tenants has become a rallying point around which progressive forces have converged.

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Radical internationalism in the face of climate breakdown: Why we need a Global Green New Deal


The Progressive International's Inaugural Summit underscored humanity’s now looming stark choice: “Internationalism or Extinction”.

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Britain’s COVID-19 housing crisis


Being housebound for months due to COVID-19 has highlighted the disparity in housing quality between the haves and have-nots.

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