Trump’s whirlwind of executive orders and statements illustrate his policy toward Latin America, South America, Ukraine, China, and Palestine as ...
Read more29.01.2025
The danger of Trump is obvious. Yet given momentum in the US, Europe and elsewhere, it’s clear he and his fellow ideologues cannot be ignored
Read more2.07.2021
The US case against Julian Assange took another blow last weekend after one of the key witnesses admitted to fabricating evidence.
Read more16.02.2021
The Biden administration's pursuit of extradition signals that 'nothing will fundamentally change' despite the hope of freedom of speech advocates.
Read more6.01.2021
They are not trying to extradite him, they are trying to kill him! DiEM25 demands the immediate release of Julian Assange.
Read more14.12.2020
With stronger digital rights for users, we as a society can build and profit rather than remain exploited serfs tilling the digital landscape.
Read more2.11.2020
Whistleblowers are essential to protect our democracies - but social media companies are now suppressing or taking down hacked material.
Read more15.10.2020
Julian Assange’s extradition hearing came to a close, with the verdict set to be revealed early next year. The struggle for his liberation continues!
Read more16.09.2020
The Assange case has become more about the personality of Assange than what Wikileaks has exposed - government misconduct.
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