Posts By: DiEM25

Zagreb is OURS!

DiEM25 members agree to support Zagreb is OURS! ahead of elections


Together we have chosen to support Zagreb is OURS! Now let’s help them succeed.

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Greece’s opposition party shamelessly attacks us — here's our response


As DiEM25 erupts onto Greece's political scene, the country's leading opposition party wasted no time in attacking us.

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Mr. Varoufakis was received by the President-elect of the Republic, Mr. Lenin Moreno

DiEM25 co-founder Yanis Varoufakis meets with Ecuador's President-elect Lenín Moreno in official visit


DiEM25's co-founder meets with the outgoing President, the President-elect, the Foreign Minister, and top economic officials.

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DiEM25 in Thessaloniki on April 28/29


Reason, hope and dignity - a call to contribute to the European movement that was inspired by the Athens Spring

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DSC Berlin launches first DiEM-Lab Event: „How to build a Rebel City“


It took a while…but now the DSC Berlin is ready to launch its very first DiEM-Lab! DiEM25 Berlin opens a new space to foster grassroots politics ...

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French Presidential Election Candidates

DiEM25: an example of internal democracy in action


For an inspiring example of internal democracy in action, look no further than DiEM25’s briefing paper on the French elections.

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Churchill slated to REMAIN in Parliament Square.

Brexit is an old people’s home


Brexit is government of the old, by the old, for the old - and it will perish with the old. Maturity could still mean that it is the right thing ...

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DiEM Voice

Introducing DiEM Voice, our new art platform


DiEM Voice aims to facilitates a democratic dialogue between people-participants across Europe, using art.

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The idea of Europe is in retreat and the European Union seems to have entered into an apparently irreversible crisis. With Brexit, one great ...

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