Greece rises: The people demand justice for Tempi in historic protests

The streets of Greece are seething with anger. Across Athens, Thessaloniki, and every major city, a tidal wave of protesters is refusing to let the Tempi train disaster be swept under the rug. The catastrophe that killed 57 people was not an accident – it was a crime rooted in state neglect, corporate greed, and a rotten oligarchy that prioritises profit over human lives.

The Mitsotakis government, in its usual manner, has tried to deflect blame. But the people know better. They know that underfunded, understaffed, and unsafe railways were a ticking time bomb, ignored for years despite repeated warnings from workers and unions. They know that the Prime Minister’s feigned sorrow is hollow when his government continues to protect the very structures that allowed this disaster to happen.

The response? The largest demonstrations in recent Greek history. Workers, students, families – tens of thousands have flooded the streets demanding accountability. They are not simply mourning; they are resisting.

Scenes from Thessaloniki

Yanis Varoufakis’ message

DiEM25 co-founder Yanis Varoufakis, who was at the Athens protests, sent a defiant message.

“The dead do not come back, but seas of people like this lighten the soil that covers the dead and purify the souls of those we are left behind to mourn them,” he began.

“Anger and lamentation, are not enough. Political expression is needed so that there can be justice and vindication under this oppressive oligarchy.

“This justice and this vindication needs political work from tomorrow morning.

“That is what we must do. This is what we will do.”

Anger and grief alone are not enough. The people of Greece understand that justice requires action, not just outrage. The marches, strikes, and occupations are a collective call for systemic change. They demand an end to the oligarchic rule that has suffocated Greece for decades.

The protesters are not alone. Solidarity actions have erupted in cities across Europe, proving that this is not just a Greek issue – it is a European one. It is a battle between the people and the corrupt elite who gamble with public safety while hoarding wealth.

The fight for justice does not end in the streets. It continues in every workplace, every parliament, every institution where power is held. The Greek people have spoken. Now, we must ensure they are heard.

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