Laurent de Sutter and Rosita Allinckx to lead Belgium’s “Be European Spring” candidates’ lists to the European Parliament elections

8 women and 8 men will represent Be European Spring as candidates in the May 2019 European elections. The grassroots citizens list was initiated by DiEM25 Belgium, in collaboration with France’s Génération.s Brussels Committee and Portugal’s LIVRE.
Be European Spring will offer all citizens in Belgium a common, green, progressive agenda, its Green New Deal for Europe, which offers a path towards a democratic European Union. Laurent de Sutter and Rosita Allinckx were elected as the lead candidates in the French-speaking electoral college and Dutch-speaking electoral college, respectively.
“More than offering a new set of political proposals for a New Deal in Europe, I strongly believe that DiEM25 and European Spring incarnate a new style of politics – a new way of behaving, talking and even looking political. One doesn’t go without the other”, said Laurent de Sutter.
Rosita Allinckx explained that her aim is “to bring transparency and our visionary economic plan right into the heart of Europe”. “I am not a politician,” she elaborated, stressing that she is an independent artist who joined DiEM25’s pan-European bid “to bring transparency into European politics and beyond, so that people don’t have to flee everyday injustices”.
Be European Spring is part of Europe’s first transnational electoral list – European Spring – a broad, democratic, European alliance based on a single manifesto (the Green New Deal for Europe). The transnational alliance includes political movements, intellectuals and grassroots activists from all parts of Europe, including the French movement Génération-s, the Polish Razem party, Greece’s MeRA25, Germany’s Demokratie in Europa, Denmark’s Alternativet, Portugal’s LIVRE, Spain’s Actúa, Austria’s Wandel and many more.
To note:

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The candidates are available for interviews.
French-speaking list:

  1. Laurent de Sutter
  2. Marine Betrancourt
  3. Michèle Heyvaert
  4. Davide Castro
  5. Marianne Oppitz
  6. Nigel Munisamy
  7. Julian (Julek) Jurowicz
  8. Andréa Kalubi

Dutch-speaking list:

  1. Rosita Allinckx
  2. Adrian Vlaicu
  3. Laura Peek
  4. Joren de Wachter
  5. Nicolas Neirinckx
  6. Rik Wellens
  7. Marita de Neubourg
  8. Francine Mestrum

Follow Be European Spring on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Media contacts
DiEM25 Belgium – (Belgian Press Officer)
Davide Castro | +32 488 03 41 87 |
Génération.s Brussels Committee – (French Press Officer)
Oriana Henry | + +32 485 17 35 25 |
LIVRE – (Portuguese Press Officer)
Jorge Pinto | +32 483 05 09 23 |
DiEM25 Communications
Luis Martín | +34 670 48 48 51 |

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