MeRA25's appeal to help fire victims

Dear friends,
You have heard of the biblical calamity that befell the people of North East Attica in Greece.
DiEM25 and MeRA25 activists were affected directly, like for instance Kostas and Argyro whose house was burnt down totally, their next door neighbours faring far, far worse – all of them perishing, including their three-year-old daughter.
From the moment the fires were extinguished and the charred corpses were discovered, DiEM25-MeRA25 members have been thinking about ways to respond in solidarity, but also effectively. We spoke to the local Mayor, whose house by the way also burnt down. He told us that the municipality is inundated with offers of foodstuff and other material goods but it is money they miss the most. So, we thought that DiEM25-MeRA25 should direct our energies to help financially.
Thinking of the best way of helping, without sending money to dubious NGOs or state accounts that may be misappropriated, here is what we decided to do – and what we recommend to DiEMers and friends wishing to help:
We sent activists into the affected areas with a mission to find some of the most badly affected and neediest families. Rather than spreading our resources thinly across thousands of families or organisations, our activists spoke to victims and identified families that are desperate for help, are impecunious, and would most benefit from the last euro, pound or krona that DiEMers can spare.
Below you will find two lists of these families, with a short description of their circumstances. LIST A contains families whose circumstances our activists deemed heart-breaking, desperate, appalling. LIST B contains families that also deserve help but who are not as badly afflicted as those in LIST B. Please note that none of these people were known to our activists, nor are they DiEM25-MeRA25 members or even supporters. Lastly, we also list the Municipality’s bank account, set up to help victims.
Sevdagian Rose Marie Ahanes & Kolokotronis Georgios
National Bank of Greece, IBAN GR7101101490000014961766236
Four-member household with two children, their house totally burnt down in Mati
Baxevanidis Konstantinos
Piraeus Bank IBAN GR8901717350006735119162990
An aged couple, they household total burnt down
Baxevanidou Sophia (daughter of the above) 
National Bank of Greece IBAN GR34011072400000072460561805
Four-member household with two kids, their house also burnt down in Mati
Matrakidis Demetrios
Eurobank ΙΒΑΝ GR0902600960000120200453776
Four-member household with one child and a grandmother, their house a total loss
Paleologopoulou Angeliki
Piraeus Bank IBAN GR8001711820006182010018296
Two-member household, house burnt down
Mavroudis Nikolaos & Koutsouki Spyridoula  
National Bank of Greece IBAN GR2201107060000070660047682
Family with 5 members (3 children) in the Rafina-Skoufeika region – their house was completely burnt down
Kourtidou Eleni  
National Bank of Greece IBAN GR5101104320000043274562040
2 members (mother and daughter); their main residence in Neos Voutzas completely burnt down.
Tasoulas Alexandros  
National Bank of Greece IBAN GR1601107060000070600186277
Husband and wife, 65 year-old
Their main residence was a rented house in Kokkino Limanaki that burnt down completely along with all their belongings. They are extremely poor.
Nikolaou Petroula
Piraeus Bank IBAN GR9101715980006598110285668
Family with 4 members (2 children), their main residence at Diastavrosi was partially burnt but is habitable.
Kabrigianni Kleopatra  
Alpha Bank IBAN GR8101402670267002310003064
Family with 3 members (mother, grandmother and child); Main residence in Mati partially burnt.
Nikolaou Marika 
Alpha Bank IBAN GR7101401760176002101073593
Family with 3 members (son, grandmother and grandchild); Main residence in Mati partially burnt.
Account Name: Municipality of Rafina-Pikermi
Bank: Piraeus Bank
IΒΑΝ: GR2001721860005186092291418
On behalf of everyone here are MeRA25, DiEM25-Greece, thank you for reading this and for having these people, and the other victims, in your thoughts.
If you can contribute monies, please make a note (in the web-banking field that allows you to add a comment, or a purpose for the payment) specifying “To assist the family in overcoming their losses due to the Attika fires” (or if you want to cut and paste it in Greek: «Ενίσχυση της οικογένειας των δικαιούχων λόγω της απώλειάς τους από τις πυρκαγιές της ΝΑ Αττικής»). The reason for this is our/their fear that the Tax Department, which now is fully owned by the Troika, might confiscate these funds – to give these families leverage in any legal dispute, that statement of yours would help.
With comradely greetings,
On behalf of MeRA25-DiEM5 Greece
Yanis Varoufakis

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