DiEM25 Italian Tour

Our Italy tour kicks off!

Starting tomorrow, our very own Yanis Varoufakis and Lorenzo Marsili will be putting on their motorcycle helmets and touring Italy.
Their mission? To meet activists and political figures across the Eurozone’s third largest economy and put forward DiEM25’s proposals for tackling Europe’s common problems. From inequality to the scandalous tax evasion of multinationals, from migration to climate change to ending the scourge of involuntary under employment.
As our members are currently debating how to deploy an electoral wing that would effectively take DiEM25’s Progressive Agenda for Europe to ballots across the Union, the electoral expression of our proposals need as many like-minded European democrats on board as possible. And it’s vital for us to strengthen our network of “rebel cities”: from Barcelona to Zagreb, from Warsaw to Naples.
The tour will see Yanis and Lorenzo share a stage with DiEM25 friends like Luigi de Magistris, Nicola Fratoianni and Giuliano Pisapia, among others. They’ll be stopping in Milan, Turin, Ferrara, Bologna, Naples and Palermo. And of course, meeting DiEM25 members wherever they go!
Tour stops are below.


Event organised by Fondazione Feltrinelli
“There is (no) alternative?: Progressive proposals for Europe”
with Yanis Varoufakis, Lorenzo Marsili, Giuliano Pisapia and Tonia Mastrobuoni
Wednesday 27th September – 18:00
Milan, Feltrinelli Foundation (Viale Pasubio 5)
Event organised by Sinistra Italiana
Proxima Festival 99%
with Yanis Varoufakis, Lorenzo Marsili, Nicola Fratoianni, Maurizio Landini and Lucia Annunziata
Thursday 28th September – at 20:30
Turin, Murazzi del Po (Long Po Armando Diaz)

Event organised by the Italian magazine Internazionale
The Time of Commitment – Festival of Internazionale
with Yanis Varoufakis and Lorenzo Marsili
Friday, September 29th – at 14:30
Ferrara, Municipal Theater (Corso Martiri della Libertà 5)

Event organised by Teatro Polivalente Occupato/Coalizione Civica
Movements and Cities of Europe
with Yanis Varoufakis, Lorenzo Marsili and Maurizio Acerbo
Friday 29th September 2017 – at 20:30
Bologna, Teatro Polivalente Occupato (Via Camillo Casarini 17/5)

ONLY for members of DiEM25 Italia
Event organised by the DSC Naples1
From Saturday, September 30th at 14h to Sunday 1st October at 14h
Naples, Casa Tolentino (Gradini San Nicola da Tolentino 12)

Event organised by the City of Naples
From rebel cities to disobedient Europe
with Yanis Varoufakis, Lorenzo Marsili and Luigi de Magistris
Saturday 30th September 2017 – 18:00
Naples, Politeama Theater (Via Monte di Dio 80)

Event organised by the City of Palermo / DSC DiEM25 Palermo2
Palermo Europe: the future goes from the Mediterranean
with Yanis Varoufakis, Lorenzo Marsili, Leoluca Orlando, Andrea Cusumano, Hedwig Fijen, Davide Cammarone, Johanne Liu Yousif, Latif Yaralla, Ruska Jorjoliani, Bifo Franco Berardi
Sunday 1st October – 18:30
Palermo, Cinema De Seta (Via Paolo Gili 4)

All events are open to all and free, with no reservation needed. Follow any live events on the DiEM25 Italia Facebook page.

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